Torque of the North December 2002 |
Chairman's Chunnerings. |
Welcome to our new look website. Thanks to our new webmaster, Mike, we are now going to be up to date on all matters relating to the Northern Centre of the Austin Healey Club. We are the largest centre geographically speaking so we must have the largest variety of activity in all the corners of our region, so the site will reflect what is happening around. To keep us all up to date on all matters Healey chiefly depends on what you can contribute to your own car club's web site. Therefore if you are browsing this site, then you probably have e mail, so start the one fingered typing and send your contributions via that e mail, including any suitable digital photographs of Healey's and associated classic car events to Doug McClymont. With your contributions we will resurrect "Torque of the North" as an online version as I am sure that you would have enjoyed the local feel of the old magazine as I did. Must go before I use up any more megabytes, so I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year..... and happy Healeying. John. |
And a word from your webmaster. | ||
Perhaps "webstudent" would be more appropriate as this is my first attempt at producing a website and I have been on a rapid learning curve for the last couple of weeks. I hope it all hangs together OK and I would welcome any constructive comments that you may have which could help to improve the site. Links to Healey sites of particular interest that any avid surfer has found would be most welcome. More Sprite information too would help to improve the balance of our models within the pages. We have toyed with the idea of a forum page, along the lines of the National pages excellent forum, but as this was not well subscribed on our previous website we have shelved the idea for the present. It is intended that this 'Torque of the North' page be used to post members comments and ideas, together with separate in house links to pages that members might wish to post with articles of Healey interest. I may even bore you with an account of my present project of fitting XJS seats into my BJ8 rally replica. (No, it is not impossible but it is b***** difficult.) Meanwhile to start the ball rolling, and referring to a discussion I had the other evening with our Vice Chairman, Dave Haslam. The most exciting road to drive in a Healey was, in his opinion, the Stelvio pass. I think that I have found a better one, the Lysebotn road in Norway. (picture) has any courageous soul ever tried it? Mike. |