Tyneside Sub-Centre at Le Mans Classic 2010.                                       July 2010.

 Text and Photos from Jennifer Short

The Tyneside Sub Centre organised a Club visit to the very popular Le Mans Classique in July 2010 and the photo below show some of the hazards and highlights of what was a very enjoyable drive.

                      The gang wearing their AH Team shirts, Le Mans 2010
Photo by Jen Short.

  Some more photos of the team en-route and at LeMans.

Click on thumbnail for larger photo

Yes, a Healey 100/6 fan belt can fit a 100/4

Pesky fan bet & no you can't have my tights!!

A nice eatery frequented by Donald Healey racing team and Us!!

Yes, a Healey 100/6 fan belt can fit a 100/4

Pesky fan bet & no you can't have my tights!!

A nice eatery frequented by Donald Healey racing team and Us!!


Camping on the trackside at Le Mans 2010



Camping on the trackside at Le Mans 2010


The Tyneside Sub Centre are planning another trip to Le Mans in 2012 so see Coming Events for more Details